Field Of Dream - by Rosie Rumba

Rosie Rumba; April 21, 1989 -  I wasn't even born, but would grow up watching Field of Dream with my family. It was like a ghost story fantasy fun movie that always gave me a good feeling. So I racked up frequent flyer mileage on this one. Essentially, when Iowa farmer Ray (Kevin Costner) hears a mysterious voice one night in his cornfield saying "If you build it, he will come," he feels the need to act. Despite taunts of lunacy, Ray builds a baseball diamond on his land, supported by his wife, Annie (Amy Madigan). Afterward, the ghosts of great players start emerging from the crops to play ball, led by "Shoeless" Joe Jackson. But, as Ray learns, this field of dreams is about much more than bringing former baseball greats out to play. I 'm reading this off the DVD which my dad left me when he passed away. Mostly, I remember everyone saying that's him. Who? The voice of Darth Vader. I listened real closely and thought can't be him. He's 6'8". Eventually, I caught on that it was probably a double in the fight scenes. As I grew up, I appreciated the similarity between his two characters, both antagonist at first, then protagonists. In the end it appeared Ray built the field just for Terence Mann. A whole team of players benefited from the  field, but he was the only living person who passed through the cornfield as if it was meant to be. So, recently Iggy Ice came across a young talented writer with his own field of dream. Inspire by advice from a Facebook member, Craig Marplev posted his lyrics in group he created. Iggy Ice was reading post in the ISSA group and came across an interesting post looking for help recording his lyrics. He sent me a link to a brief chat with a note: Forward to UK studio. 

I checked the chat and Craig eventually learned that Iggy Ice is actually iAndroid, a composer himself. Our studio in the UK is owned by Stephan Lester who in iAndroid's  exact words "was the best producer for Craig". Stephan looked over Craig's lyrics and sent back as a demo.. According to what Ice told me, Craig and Stephan worked for a few weeks on a direction, and before you know it Craig had his first CD recorded. Since Stephan happens to be the VP of our label, an agreement was sent out to Craig and their collaboration was published online for sale. Ice said it's been less than 30 days since he came across Craig in the ISSA chat. So, if you build it they will come? That pretty much what I'm gathering from reporting this fairy tale to you. Craig is going to add a few words of his own. 

Craig: During the time before I met Stephen I was getting advice from Leon (He helps run “lyricists and songwriters united” and other facebook groups) on how to get noticed by people. What he said was one: post my lyrics on my own facebook page and two; ask around to find people to work with. Before I met Leon my library of lyrics had stacked up to fifty songs. Fifty songs with feedback from only friends. Fifty songs waiting in dirt with nothing being done with them. After Leon talked me into posting my songs on facebook (which took forever because I was worried about them getting stolen) and asking for a collaboration, I found iAndroid on facebook. He told me to feel free to send him a list of my best lyrics. (if I never had lyrics to show on my page to show what I could do, he might’ve never messaged me) After I sent them, he introduced me to Stephen Lester. He loved them, and ever since then, we have been working together.

The title for the song and album “calm and edgy” was originally the name of my facebook page where I posted poetry. It was a name that I came up randomly one day thinking about what would sound great. When we decided to name the album “calm and edgy” I started working on a song that would sound good with “calm and edgy” as the chorus, naturally at first I was stumped and had no idea what to write. Then it clicked. Literally just write what's both “calm” and “edgy.” So then I started writing what would be polar opposites. As my lyric was progressing I was unsatisfied with only listing opposites. So after a while of thinking what could make the song better it occurred to me. It would be awesome if I made the lyrics have a reason for there to be opposites, such as why the world is a lovely smelling piece of trash leading to the birth of the song. 

Rosie: We will hear more details about the 10 song CD from Craig, and some insight from his collaborator Stephan Lester in next weeks blog. In the meantime we have our own field of dreams unfolding on a few levels here at Iggy Ice Publicity. We built our own field and have a dream to share with Artist like Craig and anyone who asks nicely. It's in one of our ads for weight loss Ice said from two years ago. We ran that campaign and 89 people lost weight according what I'm reading on the program notes. So I asked Ice if it's just fluff for the show or  the real deal. He said he gets texts regarding his weight loss every day from skeptics. He kept a record of them over two years. One gal he met in person refused to believed she had to count her liquids as calories. Drinking say for example a low calorie beer is cool, but it still counts as calories. She was teacher so Ice didn't take it any further. She said she worked out and that should be enough. I said what did you do Ice? Ice pointed to her belly and said she was doing a real good job and he walked away. The rest of the notes include late night chat with girls all trying to lose weight. I asked him why some of the chats were in the wee hours of the morning. What could you possibly be chatting about. He said purpose, will and focus. I said Oh,, that's it? He said, and recipes. 

I got the high sign from the Editor who said to keep it short, so I''ll pick at Ice's recipes and more about Calm And Edgy's debut CD next Thursday. Here's the link to Craigs CD: Calm And Edgy.  You can sample all the tracks on there. If you have a few extra bucks, it's also for sale. 

Rosie Rumba, Co-Host: Track Talk - "Your And Me" by Calm And Edgy 

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