Puppy and Coyote on Safari

In this daring adventure, Puppy and Coyote travel to Africa in search of Coyote's ancestors. She is a little dog from Alberta, Canada living in the happy McDonut house in Kiev, Ukraine and there are none else like her in this country. Poor coyote is longing to find her own unique place in the world and this is the beginning of her quest. Best of the New Year everyone. It will be better.

                                                       Puppy and Coyote on Safari


     Puppy and Coyote love their time together, when Snoop Annie and Misha are creating delicious treats at busy Snoop McDonuts. On a usual day they are napping in the backyard, side by side, as good puppies do. But Coyote snaps awake and nudges Puppy. “Puppy, we are wild beasts. Let us look for excitement on this fine morning. I am hungry and we have emptied our dishes. Let’s search the McDonut house for little snacks to fuel our adventure.” “Yummy,” says Puppy. “Finally a sensible idea from you, my dear friend.” They begin scrounging everywhere, but not a crumb has dropped for their enjoyment. As they root around on the couch for stray morsels, Puppy steps on an object. “Thump, thump”, says the television. “Coyote, look what I have done. It is the strange box with the moving pictures that we watch with Annie and Misha and Pink and Yellow Kitten and our Choonie-Moonies. This is Discovery Channel. Look at all the interesting animals!” “Yes, yes,” yelps Coyote. Wild beasts like us. Let us watch and learn.”

       Soon they are binge watching every day when the family are at the world famous café. One day they see something called “Ghosts in Our Midst.” “Arooooooooh. Puppy, Puppy. Look my friend. They are coyotes just like me. Arooooooooh. What? My ancestors are from Africa? Here is the adventure we have been seeking. Let’s go to Africa and I will claim my rightful inheritance as their great leader.” “Oh no,” thinks Puppy. “This is such a bad idea.” “Please Puppy. We are a team. Let us find our destiny.” Poor Puppy. He is such a good dog and always saving his special friend from her curiosity. “Of course Coyote,” he sighs. “We will find this Africa. But how will we get there?” “Hah. The teleport is ours for the taking. Those Choonie-Moonies use it all the time. How hard can it be? Come Puppy.”

      Now coyotes really are special dogs. They are smart and curious and very fine hunters. They are great survivors who have been worshipped for centuries in the Americas as trickster Gods who walk the fine line between heaven and earth and pay homage to neither. But our Coyote is much more rascal than Goddess, though she thinks of herself as a most special puppy, as well she should. She is so entertaining for the other McDonuts, but none more so than Puppy McDonut, her best friend for life. “Lead on,” says Puppy. “Together we will conquer this Africa.” In to the teleport they go. “Whoosh, thump,” says the door as it closes behind them. “Well Puppy. We are for it now. Onward to destiny, my friend.”

      “Now Puppy. Try to remember how the Choonies do this. You are our pilot.” Puppy jumps on the chair and as it rotates his little doggy nose pushes against the wall and Kabaaam! “Puppy, Puppy. You are doing it! Look at the lights. Hah! And those Choonies think they are such smarties. Look at us!” Poor Puppy. His nose has indeed pushed Africa on the map. He is so startled that as he jumps back his wee paw pulls the lever. Whoosh, whoosh, kazooom. They are off. “Arooooooooh, Arooooooh. You are a genius Puppy. This Africa is ours for the taking.”

     In mere moments the door opens and they find themselves on the lush savannah of the Dark Continent. What a sight. “Puppy. We have found the Discovery Channel. Now where are those wild dogs? Sniff, sniff, sniff. This way Puppy.” And off they go, Coyote loping with excitement and poor Puppy’s little legs churning wildly to keep pace. “Please Coyote. I am just a little dog.” “No Puppy. We are great hunters. Wild beasts. Arooooooooh!” And sure enough, on a hillock not far ahead, is the little pack of wild dogs, running and playing and cavorting as they should. Now, they are every bit as rascally and curious as our Coyote and rush about in excitement, buzzing around our McDonut adventurers. “Who are you? Explain yourselves. We know who this one is. He is Puppy McDonut. Our children love his stories. Hello dear Puppy. You are welcome here. But what is this great scoundrel?” “Scoundrel indeed! I am Coyote and I have come to take my rightful place as your leader.” “Hah! Leader! What a sorry specimen you are. Be gone! Puppy can stay. What a good dog you are.”

     Poor Puppy. “I am sorry my friends. I would love to play. But I must go with my sister.” “Come back anytime Puppy and we will play. But please take this villain with you,” bark the doggies. “Fools!” yelps Coyote. “Why is everyone so slow to recognize greatness? Let us explore Puppy. There are so many strange smells.” Now wild dogs are tricksters as well and are surely only teasing Coyote, but it is too late. She is off in a huff, weaving through the tall grass with poor Puppy scrambling behind. He is short, so he must follow Coyote’s tail so he does not become lost in the grass. What wonders they see. “Goodness Coyote. Over there. They are so tall and their necks are so long. And what marvels are these striped horses. So many of them. This Africa is a miracle! What a fine idea Coyote.” Their heads are bobbing hither and thither as they spy each new wild one. But as they move towards the trees, “Rooooooooar!” “Follow me old friend. Run for your life Puppy.” Zip, zip, zip. Puff, puff, puff. A mad scramble. The two adventurers burst from the grass and to the edge of a great, lazy river. “Stop Puppy. We are safe. How could one kitty be so large? Let’s have a nice drink. This is such hot work.”

     The pups take a long drink to cool down, but Puppy is watchful. “Careful Coyote. I remember those logs with eyes. They have huge mouths and teeth and try to eat little ones like us.” “Impossible!” barks Coyote. “But, we drank our fill. Let’s follow this river and find our next adventure.”  They meander along the banks until straight ahead they see a sorry sight. A giant grey baby is slipping in the mud, frantically trying to climb away from the dangerous river. Poor thing. “Coyote. We must help. Let us grab this big stick and try to pull her up. We can do it.  Those logs with eyes are all around and I have a bad feeling about this.” The grey baby understands immediately and wraps her long floppy nose around the stick. “Pull Coyote. Pull hard. Bark, bark, bark. It is working. Hurry old friend. These logs are getting closer.” Suddenly, with a scram, scram, scramble and a slop, slop, plop, she is over the bank and the three youngsters rush back from the river and the blackguards that are closing fast. They’ve done it! What clever puppies. “Quickly my saviors. We must find my family. My Mother and aunts will protect us from the scoundrels. We were drinking and bathing when the lions approached down river, but I became stuck in the slippery mud. My family will wait for me. They will not go far.” And sure enough, in the straggly woods not far away is the herd of beautiful wild elephants. What excitement. What a reunion. Puppy and Coyote are surrounded by giants who caress them gently with their soft trunks. “What brave little heroes you are! You have saved our baby. It is a miracle. What wonders are you? We have never seen two such as you.” “We are Puppy and Coyote McDonut, on a quest to discover our ancestors. We are wild beasts come to claim our birth right.” The herd trumpets wildly, “Hurray for Puppy! Hurray for Coyote! Our brave heroes. Thank you so much McDonuts.”

     The two pups and the giant baby cavort and tumble every which way, chasing each other’s tail’s as the grownups feed in the trees. No marauders dare approach the family. Puppy and Coyote are so happy playing with their new elephant sister. But sooner or later these wild ones must eat. Baby elephant can reach up and munch on delicious leaves. But Puppy and Coyote have rumble tummy. “We will bring you your own yummy branches little heroes.” “Oh no. We must have our kibble. We foraged for snacks before our journey but were not rewarded for our troubles. We must be home before supper or our family will be so worried.” “Let us help,” say the elephants. “We will put you on our backs and take you quickly to your destination.” Puppy and Coyote are gently lifted by many trunks onto sturdy backs and off they rumble. What a view from their great perch. “We love this Discovery Channel. Hooray for Africa!” Coyote, with her wonderful intuition, guides the elephants to their teleport. The elephants love their little babies so much that they are in tears as the little heroes depart. “Well Puppy. This Discovery Channel is wrong. These are our real ancestors. Someday when we are grownups we will return to Africa and I will take my rightful place as their Queen.” Oh no Coyote. They have Matriarchs not Queens.” The End. 

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